Browsing for Islamic magazines published from the west, you are sure to be amazed with their growing popularity among the Muslim population residing in the US, Canada and European countries. Some of these accomplished publications regularly feature a comprehensive list of issues that of are great interest to the Muslim community.  Below is a list of the magazines you may find interesting for your reading

azizahProduced by two distinguished women Tayyibah Taylor and Marlina Soerakoesoemah under the banner of WOW Publishing, Inc., ‘Azizha magazine’ is rather a catalyst for empowering Muslim women in North America. The central focus of the publication is to reflect the perspectives and experiences of Muslim women through featured articles, lifestyle topics, special reports, global issues and poetry.

message magWhat you find in ‘The Message magazine’ is a universal publication for the whole of Muslim community. Echoing the concerns and ideas pertaining to Muslims in America, this non-profit publication is a forum for the youth searching their Islamic identity in a western land. The spirit of The Message magazine strives to bridge the gap between various communities worldwide.

guidanceAs you order for a copy, ‘The Guidance magazine’ can deliver spiritual refreshment at your doorstep amidst your busy life. Recently the publication is greatly enhanced with a new look and appealing design featuring wonderful articles, stories, life histories and reports, and article series of great interest to the Muslim community.

islamicaSet in for a unique mission, you will find the issues of ‘Islamica Magazine’ focusing on broadening the perspectives of the western world towards the Islamic tradition. Islamica Magazine is rated among the best publications articulating the Islamic voice in the English-speaking world. Striving to establish cross-cultural relations, articles on a wide range of interests, great insight and depth of conversation are the attractive features of the publication.

jumuahAmidst several other similar publications, you can deem ‘Al Jumuah Magazine’ as your guide to Islamic life. Primarily, the magazine ventures to teach the essentials of Islam to the non-Arabic speaking Muslims across the world. Apart from regular monthly features, the magazine also talks on book reviews, finance, women’s issues, and Islamic history.

ihAs you turn the pages of ‘Islamic Horizons’, you will find the publication echoing the resolve of the western Muslim community to tread the Islamic path in life and spirit. Apart from news articles and reviews, the articles of the magazine highlight the dynamic and vibrant nature of Islam providing a new orientation to religious life remolded to modern trends.

You are sure to find a unique magazine in ‘The Muslim Sunrise’, which attempts to share the essentials of Islam across the US. With a long history of around nine decades, the publication has the credit of being the longest running Muslim magazine in America. Striving to redefine the role of Islam in the dynamic modern society, the magazine offers an open forum for elite minds to discuss some of the vital topics of religion